1 | 德国人不愿欧洲共同市场的官员们在未经各国家资本的严密监视下,募集并取出太多钱款。 | The Germans do not want Eurocrats raising and handing out too much money without close monitoring from national capitals. | |
2 | 等到一定的时候,一般是12月份影评人开始颁发奖项时,发行商也开始披沙拣金。 | At a certain point in the season, usually when critics’ groups start handing out prizes in December, distributors start culling the herd. | |
3 | 对于圣安东尼奥市来说,最严重的网络安全威胁就是如何管理信用卡的拷贝。 | For the worst internet security -- well, San Antonio might as well be handing out copies of its credit cards. | |
4 | 多年来,希腊国家治理不佳,连续几任政府向民众提供终身就业机会、提前退休待遇及优厚劳动合同。 | Greece has been badly governed for years, with successive governments handing out jobs for life, early retirement and lucrative contracts. | |
5 | 刚果政客们在村庄和城镇穿梭时往往有钱贩紧随其后,这些政客会从行李袋里掏出面值500法郎的钞票给选民分发。 | Congolese politicians are trailed by money men as they travel through villages and towns, handing out 500-franc notes from duffle bags. | |
6 | 给富裕的退休人员发钱就是其中之一。 | Handing out money to rich pensioners is one of them. | |
7 | 国家电视台的画面显示,缅甸军人在一些城镇分发救援物资。 | State television shows images of Burmese soldiers handing out aid packages in some townships. | |
8 | 过去每每庆祝生日时,金正日总会给北朝鲜长期受迫的老百姓们发放大量物资。 | Kim has marked his birthday in the past by handing out luxury items and other goods to North Korea’s long-suffering citizens. | |
9 | 很顺利,i正在和我的宝贝整天给予,那是实际上传说的时间,我们去 | Can’t be better, i was handing out with my baby all day long, that was actually fabulous time, we went to walmart, costco. | |
10 | 还有去年,那些分发传单呼吁新闻自由的媒体工作者被攻击者打伤,而这些攻击者却从未受到惩罚。 | And media workers handing out leaflets calling for freedom of the press last year were beaten by assailants who were never punished. | |
11 | 基于UML的通用型邮政报刊杂志分发系统设计 | Design of General Post Newspapers and Magazines Handing out System Based on UML | |
12 | 几年前,一个名叫“要食物不要炸弹”的团体开始在全国各地的公园里向饥饿的人发放免费的纯素食食物。 | A few years ago, a group called Food Not Bombs started handing out free vegan food to hungry people in public parks around the nation. | |
13 | 将地分配给社区和将地分配给想自己种菜的家庭一样能把土地利用和维护好。 | These would run and maintain the land as well as handing out plots to families who want to grow their own vegetables. | |
14 | 她承认自己也会“几乎以西科斯基直升机的速度”,为儿子庆生而雇上一位足球教练,在派对上分发护齿器等。 | She confesses to being "at least part Sikorsky, " hiring a football coach for a son’s birthday and handing out mouth guards as party favors. | |
15 | 据我所知,也没有人会因为你是一个完美的小糕点师而给你颁发奖品。 | As far as I know no one is handing out prizes for being the perfect little baker. | |
16 | 两年以前,一个叫做“远古社会”的组织在我家附近的公园里散发传单。 | Two years ago, a group called the Society of the Ancients was handing out flyers at the park near my home. | |
17 | 另外有些区域从店内的面包部到小姐分发免费食物试吃的地方也是少去为妙。 | The same goes for other areas you don’t need to expose yourself to, from the in-store bakery to the lady handing out the free food samples. | |
18 | 美国核管理委员会(NRC)为本国核电站颁发了延期运行的许可证,而这些核电站的初始许可期限为40年。 | The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has been handing out 20-year extensions to plants, whose original licenses were for 40 years. | |
19 | 请确保手头的二进制只读光盘符合软件分发的许可协议。 | Please ensure that handing out binary-only CDs actually is in compliance with the license of the distributed software. | |
20 | 人们散发该特卖会的广告传单。 | people were handing out fliers advertising the sale. | |
21 | 如果情况真是如此,那政治家们在提供赋税减免政策时就要小心了。 | If so, politicians should becautious about handing out tax breaks. | |
22 | 上司们的工作将不再仅仅是简单的给出A或者C的评分,他们还需要去保证每个雇员都能够得到一个A。 | Instead of the bosses merely handing out A’s and C’s, they work to make sure everyone can earn an A. | |
23 | 同时,《条例》还规定学校应当合理安排课时和作业,保证未成年学生的休息、睡眠时间。 | Schools have also been ordered to give students enough rest and sleeping time by shortening classes and handing out less homework. | |
24 | 为此,该公司的中东与北非子公司已经开始发放尺寸缩小的商务名片。 | To this end, the company’s Middle East and North Africa division has been handing out cut-size business cards. | |
25 | 为获得更高的回报率,中国人民银行悄然委托专门从事股票业务的国际基金经理们进行投资。 | To generate higher returns, the PBoC is quietly handing out investment mandates to international fund managers specialising in equities. | |
26 | 维尔奈对以色列电台说,发放防毒面具并不意味着以色列马上要和伊朗打仗。 | Vilnai told Israel Radio that handing out gas masks does not mean that war with Iran is imminent. | |
27 | 我得替反性青年团干上两个小时,发个传单什么的。真该死,对不对? | I’ve got to put in two hours for the Junior Anti-Sex League, handing out leaflets, or something. | |
28 | 我赶到教室时,老师已开始分发试卷了。 | When I got to the classroom the teacher had already begun handing out the test papers. | |
29 | 我进不了鼻涕虫俱乐部,不过还算好,贝尔比被安排在厕所发毛巾呢。 | I didn’t get into the slug Club. It’s okay, though. He’s got Belby handing out towels in the loo. | |
30 | 我们需要有人在会场派发宣传品。 | We’ll need some people to walk around the expo handing out marketing material. |